Onion Skinned Drop Shadows: A List Apart

Onion Skinned Drop Shadows: A List Apart
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ISSN: 1534-0295. 21 May 2004  Issue No. 182
Onion Skinned Drop Shadows
by Brian Williams
Editors Note: The techniques demonstrated in this tutorial are not
for everyone. The design method works its magic by nesting divs that
have no semantic or structural value. If that bothers you (and there
are good reasons why it might), this is not the tutorial for you. On
the other hand, if you wish to create visual effects that expand and
contract to fit any object, require no image manipulation, and render
the same across all browsers, then Onion Skinned Drop Shadows may
be just what youve been looking for.
Onion skinned drop shadows?
Yes, onion skinned. Animators use onion skinning to render what is impossible to see
otherwise: a snapshot of motion across time. Now, web designers can use it
to render another seeming impossibility: the truly extensible CSS-based drop
Enough Already
Tired of reading technique after technique outlining the many ways to skin
this cat? Just consider this a demonstration
of the capacity of CSS to surprise. Just when it looks as though the method
is clear and the way
is defined, one more wandering mind reveals another creative approach. If
all you glean from this article is a deeper appreciation for the diversity of
solutions CSS affords, then youve benefited far more than any one technique
could deliver. Read on.
Whats different
There are several differences between this technique and those offered previously,
both here and elsewhere. Some may find it simpler than others, some more
stable; but no matter how you look at it, it is more extensible. With
just one set of simple rules, these new drop shadows:
Automatically expand and contract to fit any object, without specifying widths.
Allow you to modify the shadow depth with no image manipulation.
Render the same across all browsers without cutting any corners.
Peeling the onion
Onion skinning refers to a technique in time-based arts of overlaying several
frames in a sequence to discern the subtle differences between them. The animator
is simply looking through a stack of layers to see one whole motion through
a composite of its parts. What is opaque on one layer can be seen through the
transparent areas on a layer above it. We can do the same thing with divs.
Using CSS, we can stack divs together in concentric fashion, like the layers
of an onion, to form a composite of anything we like. Today, we are making drop
Isometric view of an onion skinned drop shadow:
Three divs, each containing a different shadow image component (illustration), overlay one another to form a composite drop shadow. The markup couldnt be simpler. Just wrap your object inside three divs,
one inside the other, and give each a class name which corresponds to
its role. Since were wrapping the object, the classes well assign
for demonstration purposes are named wrap1, wrap2, and wrap3 (.wrap1 assigned to the outer, and .wrap3 the innermost div).
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="wrap3">
alt="The object casting a shadow"
The CSS is a bit more complicated  but not much. There are
basically three things that the style rules must accomplish for the
Make it show. Assign each of the three shadow image components (shadow + two corners) to a different layer in the onion skin stack.
Make it drop. Create an offset which moves the drop shadow down, and to the right of the object.
Make it shrink-to-fit. Force the divs surrounding the object to collapse upon it.
Step one: rendering the shadow
The basic idea is to assign one of the three shadow image components to each of the divs through its corresponding class. The sequence of which div
gets which component is crucial, though. The purpose for having three
image components is to use the two small ones at the top-right and
bottom-left positions to mask the clipped edges of the large shadow
revealing only soft, rounded edges all around.
In order for one image to mask another, it must reside above it in the z-index.
We dont have to worry so much about indexing the stack, since the nested structure
of our divs carrys an intrinsic stacking order that works for us. We simply
assign the class with the shadow to the outermost div at the bottom of the stack.
Since the divs inside it will naturally sit on top, well give the classes
with the corner images to them.
.wrap1 {
.wrap2 {
.wrap3 {
Once weve assigned the right images to the right classes, we need to give them position  background-position,
that is. If we left the rules alone at this point, all we would see is
a tiled background of corner_tr.gif since its sitting highest in the
stacking order. Remember, onion skinning requires transparency in the
upper layers so that we can see whats beneath. To do this, well
cancel the repeating property of all the background images with no-repeat, and position them where they belong to form the composite of our drop shadow.
Common sense tells us that an image named corner_tr.gif should
reside in a corner  probably the top-right; ditto for corner_bl.gif
(bottom-left). But, what about the large shadow image? Does it even
need position? Yes  more than any other, in fact. If we want our
shadow to fall to the bottom-right of whatever object we put it under,
we must specify that direction in our .wrap1 rule. Otherwise, it will automatically fill the div relative to its top-left corner, the opposite of what we need.
The base layer: div.wrap1
The outermost div holds the largest of the three shadow components, which is positioned right bottom.
.wrap1 {
background:url(shadow.gif) right »
bottom no-repeat;
The middle layer: div.wrap2
The second div, nested inside the first, masks the clipped
lower-left corner of the shadow underneath, giving it a rounded
.wrap2 {
background:url(corner_bl.gif) left »
bottom no-repeat;
The inner layer: div.wrap3
The third div, nested inside the second, takes care of the clipped corner in the upper right.
.wrap3 {
background:url(corner_tr.gif) right »
top no-repeat;
Step two: dropping it down
The next step for the CSS is to create the offset that makes the
drop shadow drop. This could not be more simple. All it takes is a
little bit of padding on the right and bottom of the innermost div. When the padding causes this div to expand away from the object inside it, the two outer divs expand with it. The result: all three shadow components, positioned along the right and bottom sides of their divs move in tandem, and can now be seen through the gap created by the padding.
.wrap3 {
padding:0 4px 4px 0;
background:url(corner_tr.gif) right »
top no-repeat;
Modifying the offset
Changing the amount offset for your shadows is almost as easy as simply changing the padding values on the .wrap3 rule. We say almost because adjusting the padding
merely moves the shadow while the corners continue to hug the edges of
their containers. To accurately simulate a shift in offset, youll need
to tweak the background-position of both corners relative to the padding.
Some would say that its good enough to simply adjust the padding,
and leave it at that. No sense complicating things to achieve a nuance
that is barely discernable for most people anyway. Others would argue
that it cheapens the effect to cut corners this way. If a method will
support better aesthetic and technical fidelity, as designers were
obligated to use it to its full potential. Its likely that most,
however, could go either way.
Judge for yourself.
This image is used below to demonstrate two sets of drop shadow styles. All instances, in both sets, draw their background-image
properties from the same basic set of rules. In other words, the exact
same shadow graphics are used for every instance. The only difference
is the degree of offset.
In the first set of examples, the offset is modified by adjusting only the padding values
in the .wrap3 rule, which moves only the shadow  not the corners.
In the second set, both the padding and background-position values
of the corners are modified so that the entire shadow, corners and all, moves
as the offset changes.
Set 1. Padding Only
8 pixels
12 pixels
18 pixels
Set 2. Padding and Background-Position
8 pixels
12 pixels
18 pixels
If you can discern the difference between the two sets, and you prefer set
two, then youll need to adjust the background-position of your corner images
to compensate for the offset in padding. Further, youll need to add additional
white pixels to the outside edges of your corner images. This allows them
to move away from the boundary of the div, without losing their ability to mask
the clipped edge of the shadow underneath. Each shadow style is a little
different, and as you begin experimenting with offsets, your particular corner
white space requirements will become clear.
Step three: making it shrink-to-fit
A little sleight of hand was necessary to coax every browser that
was tested into conformity with this requirement, a potential
deal-breaker. But, without this behavior, each and every instance of
the shadow style would require the foreknowledge of the objects width
in order to specify the width of the shadow. Obviously, that wasnt
going to cut it.
Most of the browsers tested would allow the divs to collapse when they received
the float property. This would have sufficed, if it werent for those
of you who use IE5 on the Mac. The mere fact that you exist was reason enough
to explore alternatives. Unfortunately, none were found. At least,
none that worked universally.
Some research and experimentation eventually revealed that inline-table,
an obscure CSS display property value, would be the saving grace of this
technique. Right, wrong, or indifferent, this was all that could be found,
and it would have to do. So, using the commented
backslash method to isolate Mac IE5, we give it display:inline-table,
and all the rest receive float. So there it is, shrink-to-fit  everything, everywhere, in every browser.
The composite result:
With all three steps in place our CSS looks like this:
.wrap1, .wrap2, .wrap3 {
/* \*/display:block;/**/
.wrap1 {
background:url(shadow.gif) right »
bottom no-repeat;
.wrap2 {
background:url(corner_bl.gif) left »
bottom no-repeat;
.wrap3 {
padding:0 4px 4px 0;
background:url(corner_tr.gif) right »
top no-repeat;
One more rule, for good measure
As in the above example, images will often be used with this technique. For those occasions, an additional
rule which sets a shadowed images display property to block will
help keep unwanted white space from intruding on a good thing. Just add the
following rule to your style sheet:
.wrap3 img {
Do it yourself
At this point, you may want to browse the drop shadow gallery
to get a feel for what is possible with this technique. Weve made it
easy to download a variety of shadow source images so you can get
Was it good for you, too? Discuss this article.
As Technical Design Director for Wachovia, Brian is slowly contributing
to Web Standards ubiquity in big-corporate ways. His design of Calibre.com is the companys proud foray into standards-based design. Perhaps, someday,
hell do something with his personal
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Using CSS, we can stack divs together in
concentric fashion, like the layers of an onion, to form a composite of
anything we like.
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